Meyer Bees Shop is a beekeeping supplies company that has all common honey bee supplies for sale including hive parts, protective clothing, treatments, tools, feed items, extracting accessories and also live honey bees!

We are constantly updating the beekeeping supplies categories and populating them with new beekeeping supply items. We have many honey bee supply items for sale to key in so please be patient with us….. we work with many honeybee supply companies to source products for the Meyer Bees Shop and our selection keeps changing. Our “add to wishlist” is a popular feature that allows you to keep track of products of interest and come back later to quickly add the bee supplies back into your shopping cart!! The inventory items in the honeybee supply categories change on a weekly basis and products from beekeeping supply companies are constantly being added / updated. If you don’t see specific bee supplies for sale you are looking for feel free to reach out to us via email [email protected] or phone 815-521-9116 and we can let you know if we can source it or possibly the item is in stock and available and just not listed yet. We would be happy to set beekeeping supply items aside for pickup or shipping.
The beekeeping supplies listed below are stocked at the Minooka IL showroom and warehouse and we are currently working on adding more honey bee supplies to the website for visibility purposes. We handle beekeeping company products from many different vendors and manufacturers so check back often as we are constantly adding to our inventory.
Click on a category image below to view the honey bee supplies for sale in the group:
Honey Bee Packages, Nucs & Queens36 Products
Mason Bees & Leafcutter Bees11 Products
Feed, Stimulants, Pollen Substitutes & Lures51 Products
Treatments, Test Kits, Applicator Tools & Traps54 Products
Health Items13 Products
Beekeeping Hive Parts138 Products
Complete Beekeeping Kits21 Products
Insulated Bee Hives35 Products
Bee Frame Foundation13 Products
Bee Hive Frames22 Products
Beekeeping Tools68 Products
Honey Harvesting Extracting Processing67 Products
Honey Containers - Glass, Plastic, Bears & Cut Comb44 Products
Beekeeping Protective Clothing21 Products
Queen Rearing Supplies59 Products
Instrumental Bee Insemination Equipment for Queens15 Products
BroodMinder Beehive Monitoring12 Products
Raw Honey - Local, Varietal & Samplers46 Products
Beeswax & Candle Making Supplies16 Products
Bee Products - Lip Balm, Lotions, Soap & More45 Products
Beekeeping Gifts, Hobby & Crafts50 Products
Beekeeping Books & Educational Items25 Products
Apitherapy Bee Products16 Products